Experiencing the Fullness of God’s Love
It’s 4 am. I awakened knowing I need to get a lot of work finished to meet deadlines. I feel motivated and ready to get started. But minutes later, I hear my email inbox “ping.” I take a look hoping for good news. But it’s not. A client let me know that he’d decided on an entirely new direction for the book project we’re working on. Do you know what this means? I’ll need to completely re-work that project, adding hours of extra time and energy to my week. So much for a productive morning! 😊
A few years ago, I might have handled this challenge with less grace than I did this morning. I felt frustrated and was tempted to quickly return an email protesting the change. But the voice of the Holy Spirit spoke in my mind loud and clear. He reminded me of a Scripture passage I meditated on yesterday. Paul’s desire and hope for us (like the Ephesians) is that we may:
“be fully capable of comprehending…the breadth and length and height and depth” of God’s love, “[fully experiencing that amazing, endless love]; and [that you may come] to know [practically, through personal experience] the love of Christ which far surpasses [mere] knowledge [without experience], that you may be filled up [throughout your being] to all the fullness of God [so that you may have the richest experience of God’s presence in your lives, completely filled and flooded with God Himself],” (Ephesians 3:18-19 AMP).
Wow! Can you imagine we can actually be filled with God Himself experiencing all the love He has to give. This is a love we’re meant to experience so deeply that it overflows into our actions and relationships.
I knew I needed to calm down for a second before choosing how to respond. That small moment of grace reminded me how God’s love is constantly transforming my heart, simply because I have committed to growing in my spiritual life day by day.
What Does It Mean to Be Filled with the Fullness of God’s Love?
But what does it really mean to be filled with God’s love? Is that something we can experience in our day-to-day life, or is it just a lofty goal we’ll never reach? The original Greek implies this is an ongoing process of growing in His presence and allowing His love to shape us. Being filled to the measure of all God’s fullness means continual growth—a lifelong journey of embracing His love.
When we see examples of individuals like Mother Teresa, we often marvel at their ability to embody God’s love. Her selfless acts of love give a glimpse of what it means to be so deeply intertwined with God that His Spirit flows into our actions. But this fullness is not exclusive to a select few. It’s a continual experience available to every one of us as believers willing to seek Him daily and allow His love to flow through us.
How to Embrace the Fullness of God’s Love Daily
Persistently pursuing God’s love has the power to transform our everyday actions. Here are some ways to start:
- Begin with Prayer: Start each day asking God to deepen your understanding and fill you afresh with His love. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you seek ways to grow closer to Him.
- Immerse Yourself in the Word: Continue renewing your mind by spending time reading the Bible daily. Make it a priority. Meditate and talk with God about passages like Ephesians 3:18-19 so He can offer new understanding and help you recall His words in difficult moments.
- Reflect on God’s Work: At the end of each day, take note of moments where you sensed God’s love was evident. You can also reflect on your opportunities to better demonstrate His love to others (and yourself).
- Journal Your Journey: Keep a record of how God’s love impacts your daily interactions and growth. One day, you’ll be able to look back and see how God is proving His faithfulness in filling you in new ways with His love and helping you grow in sharing His love with those you meet everyday!