This Valentine’s Day, Practice Unselfish Love
A few years ago, I was running late for an appointment. I stopped at a red light and the driver behind me began honking, waving his arms, and shouting words…
A few years ago, I was running late for an appointment. I stopped at a red light and the driver behind me began honking, waving his arms, and shouting words…
Exciting New Year to you! Are you ready for all God wants to do in and through you in 2025? Do you realize the God of the Universe gifted you,…
December, with all its anticipated excitement, celebration, and happiness is finally here!! It is indeed a time to celebrate, thank those we love and appreciate those who have helped us…
November ushers in the holidays! These wonderful celebrations are filled with good times and difficult times as we attempt to communicate and relate well to family members in hopes of…
What an exciting last few weeks! I enjoyed the privilege of attending the first BFF Conference designed and organized by my new friend Tabi Upton, host of Moody’s Chattanooga Morning…
“Story” – everyone is talking about story as communication’s precious gem. But what does that really mean for you? What is your story? Many of us launched our children and…
As a writing coach, I’ve begun working with a fascinating gentleman. He was a previous member of the Chick-Fil-A staff, so I began researching Chick-Fil-A and what makes it different….
Two things take place when change is inevitable. We not only face the transition necessary to accept the change but also the “threshold” of the space in between as we…
Have you ever held exaggerated dreams or unrealistic expectations only to have them dashed due to life experiences? I think of my much-loved grandson who in the last year miraculously…
Last week we spent a wonderful week in Seattle, WA seeing our granddaughter graduate from high school. All our family was there. It was such a joy to be together. …
“Be Still and Know that I am God” is a phrase we often quote but do we actually obey it? To hear the voice of God is the most important…
I don’t know about you, but summer is often difficult for finding time to spend with God. This is particularly true during vacation trips. My routine morning time of reading…
This month we’ve been talking about relationships and the fact they offer an anecdote to loneliness, anxiety, and depression. Psychologists tell us that we are all still experiencing Pandemic Post-Traumatic…
Have you ever felt alone even when standing in a crowd? It’s been a year now since Reen and I moved to a new town where we knew no one….
Do you ever wonder if you are fulfilling God’s purpose for your life? Finding purpose is the deepest hunger of every human heart and it is only found in the…
For those who always wanted to write but never felt they could, I can never express the importance or life-changing effect a writer’s conference may have on your future. I…
Did you know that, according to a Harvard study, 56% of doctors say they simply don’t have time for compassion? This was also shared in Demi-Leigh Tebow’s message last week…
Yes, who is Demi-Leigh Tebow? Tim Tebow’s wife? Yes. 2017 Miss Universe? Yes. Model, businesswoman, social influencer, and philanthropist? Yes. Entrepreneur? Yes. A woman after God’s own heart? Absolutely. I…
Reen and I faced a difficult decision last week and as a result we grew. As many of you know, we began a communications business from the ground up when…
During these last several weeks many of us reconnected with family and friends whether when celebrating Easter or traveling for Spring Break vacations. Were you so excited to see family…
One of my new goals for the year is to begin engaging, interacting, and building relationships with friends and new individuals on social media. I’ve both committed and limited myself…
Breathtaking, I thought. I stopped the car and got out in awe to appreciate the row of cherry blossom trees in full bloom pink. As I returned to my car…
I’m reading a fascinating book entitled, “Leadership Not By the Book.” Written by the Founder and CEO of Hobby Lobby, David Green, it’s a memoir and book of faith stories….
Have you noticed the television commercials produced by Hallow recently? Whether you are Catholic or not, it’s encouraging to see actor Mark Wahlberg and Jonathan Roumie (lead actor of The…
Navigating relationships in a healthy way can be tough these days. In the last few weeks, I talked with one woman who found out her unmarried college daughter is pregnant….
When Jesus chose disciples and began the church, He gave clear instructions for ways we are to treat one another. They now seem radical…almost outrageous. As love is on everyone’s…
Reen and I watched a fascinating movie last night. It took place in a small rural Midwest town where neighbors were like family and the church and its pastor were…
As Valentine’s Day arrives tomorrow and love is its primary focus, I am reminded of an extraordinary love…a radical love. This love modeled by Jesus and demonstrated in the lives…
As I spoke on “Recapturing Joy” several Saturdays ago with women from all over Colorado Springs, CO we discussed “Joy in His Presence, Purpose, Provision, and People” during the four…
This week we are completing our suggestions for this year’s Faith-based Resolutions. If you missed the six previous ideas, find them at here and here). In this new year, let’s…
What did you think about beginning faith-based resolutions for the New Year? Were you able to make just one LASTING change last week as a result? (If you missed them…
Are you someone who starts the year with New Year’s Resolutions? Most people create resolutions that statistically, by the end of January, they abandon. This month I thought, why…
I don’t know about you but I’m so excited we are beginning a new year together! I love the feeling of a clean slate, fresh start, and the promise of…
As we discussed joy this month, I was reminded of one of my favorite Christmas carols, “Joy to the World.” Written by Isaac Watts in 1719, it was not originally…
My prayer is that you will experience joy this Christmas. But that’s not always easy, is it? In many cases you are about to spend time with estranged family members….
Yesterday, I got my nails “done.” In case you’re unfamiliar with the South, it’s something women are expected to do, and I comply only when there is a special occasion,…
William Barclay, Scottish author and minister, wrote something very profound, “There are two great days in a person’s life-the day they were born and the day when they discover why.”…
Passion is a fascinating thing. It’s definition is “a strong and barely controllable emotion.” Emotions are strange, aren’t they? We all have them, yet often they are felt but unable…
In speaking to women across the nation for years, it amazes me how many feel they are not “gifted.” When I ask, “What is your gift from God?” they appear…
After dating seriously for some time, Reen could tell I was not sure I would consider marriage. Trust was difficult for me, and fear seemed my ever-present companion. I couldn’t…
As I watched the news this week, I listened to one government official attempt to convince the public that holding a group of young people accountable for criminally stealing through…
Linda and I love worship music, especially classic hymns. One of our favorite hymns is “Be Thou My Vision,” which has its roots in Ireland. This wonderful hymn encourages us…
Hi, this is Reen and the title above are words posted on my office wall. They come from famous copywriter, Ray Edwards, who built his entire business on this business…
As the brilliance of orange, yellow, and red leaves blanket the landscape and chilly mornings begin, it feels like a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. But where should…
The first time I saw the commercial I was hit with disbelief. The second time I was stunned and was sure I read it incorrectly. The third time I simply…
Lately on the news, I’ve noticed people demonstrating in the streets with placards touting KINDNESS MATTERS and BE KIND. Often, though sadly, they don’t seem so kind. We know kindness…
Depression, anxiety, and hopelessness escalate like never before in our country. We watch the news and wonder, is there any hope? Will things turn around? Will prices ever fall? Will…
I’m stepping out of my comfort zone to do something I’ve never done before today. In Googling Chattanooga activities, I ran across something called a Fiber Arts Guild held at…
What an intimate phrase… “your first love.” Do you think of your first crush? Or your first kiss? Or a relationship you’ll never forget? As fall arrives, and windows of…
This week I was asked again to speak (as I have over the decades) to a group of Christian women. I always count it a privilege and honor. Each time…
So, how do we hear from God? How do we know His will so we can say “Yes?” Last week we learned how to say “No.” Why did we discuss…
It’s really one of the hardest things to do, isn’t it? Saying “No” to someone you care about or something you’d like to do when there simply isn’t time. Busyness…
I don’t know about you, but I have so much going on this summer it’s a little overwhelming. I am setting up our new home in Chattanooga (almost finished!). We continue in our role as Navigator staff touching lives through Your Refreshed Life ministry adding a new focus on Marketplace ministry
Stepping into August, it’s amazing the summer is nearing its end. Over the summer, we’ve moved together away from “stuck” by choosing to leave the past behind and rewiring our…
Reen and I are in the process of visiting churches in the Chattanooga area appropriately called “the Belt Buckle of the Bible Belt.” I know how easy it became…
I was reading an article yesterday while waiting in the hospital for Reen to take an echo cardiogram. (Just so you know, the test proved his heart is in good…
This week I was talking with my friend, Susan, who recently made a great number of life changes at the same time. Her husband sold the family business he spent…
“Good Morning, Glory!” Cordelia Armstrong’s bright smile and aged twittering voice would ring out every time you met her. In her eighties, she made every visit to her home a…
As June ends, summer is only beginning. I hope this month’s blogs prepare you for an exciting and transformative summer! This month we’ve established the truth that we are able…
Wouldn’t you agree that it is hard to love words that end in “less”—fruitless, hopeless, pointless, and endless! We all would much prefer the positive forms of these words that…
Hi! It’s Reen coming to you from our new home in Chattanooga, Tennessee. As we shared last week, in our desire to renew our lives and experience a fresh start,…
Hi, it’s Linda coming to you from Boone, NC where Reen and I are celebrating my granddaughter’s 17th birthday! Two weeks ago we looked at “10 Thought Patterns that Rob…
This month we’re talking about things we can do to overcome the negative thoughts that assail us and keep each of us from experiencing “Your Refreshed Life.” Tony Robbins calls…
Good Morning! It’s Linda and I am so excited that Reen and I have now officially moved into our new home in Chattanooga, Tennessee. If you haven’t visited this lovely…
Hi! It’s Linda. I’m excited to share with you new insights I’ve learned recently on finding freedom from the negative thoughts that plague us. Let’s continue our journey to discover…
The most quoted line from the 1995 movie Apollo 13 is “Houston, we have a problem.” Hi, this Linda, coming to you from the home of dear friends, Woody and…
Hello, dear readers, it’s Reen and Linda coming to you from the beautiful Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. This month we’re getting back to basics. I love what the unforgettable football…
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